Sunday 15 March 2009

The Boskop Fellowship

The rainy season is still very much with us at the moment, I experienced the biggest thunderstorm of my life a couple of weeks ago where a thunder clap sounded like a bomb going of just above my head!

The recent rains also resulted in two rivers flowing across the main road we use to go home to Boskop! But us Boskopians are hardy folk and we were not going to be denied going home and having a nice cup of tea! So around 10pm we were driven to the rivers and dropped off where we then proceeded to wade our way through ice cold water up to our knees and walked the rest of the way to Boskop braving the leopards and other foul beasts lurking in the darkness.

Come the morning the rivers had gone down but we still had to brave the water and the foul beasts. But we made it and got to CCF in time for breakfast and that all important cup of tea!


Anonymous said...

What a survivor!

Unknown said...

wow... you sound like a hobbit or some other creature from Middle Earth when describing your woeful tale ;) Go relax and enjoy a nice cup of tea :)