Wednesday 17 September 2008

The Leatherman Charge, A Tribute

I just want to pay tribute to my Leatherman Charge, which is one of the best things I have ever bought. It is worth every penny of the not so small fee I paid for it!

Oh yes it really is a wonderful thing. The knife cuts through meat like a hot knife through butter, the pliers have removed the toughest thorns from shoes and untied the tightest knots, the saw has helped make the perfect puppy bed, the scissors have helped turn normal socks into beautiful trainer socks and the bottle opener has expertly opened numerous bottles of Hunters Gold.

If I lost my leatherman I think I would cry myself to sleep for a month! I thoroughly recommend that everyone gets one, you will not regret it!!

1 comment:

Polly said...

I'm glad your expensive knife is worth it and is coming in handy